Fixed Orthodontics

Orthodontics: A Key Method for Correcting Dental Irregularities

Orthodontics is one of the best and most important methods for correcting dental misalignments. Over the past few decades, as orthodontics has developed into a specialized field, many individuals have regained their beautiful smiles. People who were previously reluctant to smile due to dental imperfections can now smile confidently after undergoing orthodontic treatment. In recent years, there have been significant advancements in orthodontics, with new types of treatments and equipment introduced to improve patient outcomes. In this article, we will discuss fixed orthodontics, one of the most common forms of treatment.

What is Fixed Orthodontics?

As the name suggests, fixed orthodontics involves braces that cannot be removed by the patient. These braces are permanently attached to the teeth during the treatment process. In fixed orthodontics, metal brackets and wires are used. Brackets are bonded to the teeth, and wires are threaded through them to apply pressure on the teeth. Over time, this pressure gradually moves the teeth into their proper positions. On average, the teeth move about one millimeter per month in this method.

How Long Does Fixed Orthodontic Treatment Take?

The duration of orthodontic treatment depends on the severity of the dental misalignment. However, most patients undergoing fixed orthodontics require approximately two years for their teeth to become fully aligned. During this time, patients must maintain good oral hygiene and avoid hard foods such as candy, crunchy snacks, and corn on the cob, as these could dislodge the brackets, requiring them to be reattached, which could delay the treatment.

Components of Fixed Orthodontics

  • Brackets: Made of metal or ceramic, brackets are bonded to the surface of the teeth.
  • Bonding: This material is used to attach the brackets to the teeth.
  • Archwire: A thin wire that runs through the brackets, applying pressure on the teeth to guide their movement.
  • Elastic Ligatures: Small rubber bands placed around the brackets to hold the archwire in place. These come in various colors and are replaced during each orthodontic appointment.

Advantages of Fixed Orthodontics

In fixed orthodontics, the entire treatment process is controlled by the orthodontist, which allows for greater precision. Unlike removable orthodontic appliances, which patients can take out, fixed braces stay in place throughout the treatment. This eliminates the need for patient cooperation in wearing the appliance, which can sometimes cause issues in removable orthodontic treatments.

Disadvantages of Fixed Orthodontics

Since the brackets are attached to the teeth, cleaning them becomes more challenging. During this period, maintaining excellent oral hygiene is essential because poor hygiene can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Post-Treatment Care for Fixed Orthodontics

  • Initial Discomfort: After the brackets and wires are first installed, you may feel significant pressure on your teeth, and the discomfort could last for several hours. If the pain persists, consult your dentist, who can provide recommendations to alleviate the discomfort.
  • Dietary Restrictions: Avoid chewing gum and sticky foods during the treatment, as they can damage the brackets and wires.
  • Colored Foods: It’s best to avoid colorful foods, especially in the early days after getting braces, as they may stain the brackets.
  • Special Toothbrushes: Use orthodontic-specific toothbrushes to thoroughly clean between the teeth and around the brackets to ensure no food particles remain trapped.
  • Physical Activity: Try to avoid sports or activities that involve physical contact to the head or face, as they may displace the braces. If your braces become loose, contact your dentist immediately.

Fixed orthodontics remains a highly effective treatment for correcting dental misalignments, and with proper care and maintenance, it can result in a beautiful, long-lasting smile.

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