Chapter One (General)

  • Article 1. On the basis of the resolution of the 262nd session of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution on October 29, 1991, the relevant regulations, and approval by the Commission of the subject matter of Article 4 of the above-mentioned resolution, which will be referred to as the Commission hereby, the Scientific Iranian Association of Orthodontists, which will be referred to as the Association hereby, will be founded based on further articles.
  • Article 2. The Association shall operate solely in scientific, research, professional, and technical fields and its members shall not have the right to engage in political activities or have affiliations with political parties.
  • Article 3. It is a non-profit association, and since the approval of the registration committee, it has a legal personality at the Registration Office of Businesses. The chairman of the Board of Directors is the legal representative of the Association.
  • Article 4. The Association’s center is in Tehran at the following address: No. 90, West Piruzi, Gisha St, and its branches can be established in each region of the country. In the meantime, the formation of the Association will be in accordance with the approval, and in accordance with the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Central Association and under their supervision.
  • Article 5. The Association holds Iranian nationality.
  • Article 6. The Association is established from the date of approval of this Statute for an indefinite period and it is bound to comply with the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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